Integrity. Dedication. Compassion.

An Honest Ally For Tennessee Families

Throughout the course of your marriage or your child’s life, it is nearly impossible to prevent common family law disputes from occurring. At my firm, Julie R. Canter, Attorney at Law, my mission is to support families in Kingsport, Bristol, Elizabethton and the surrounding areas of northeast Tennessee to find common ground during unavoidable conflicts. I provide legal assistance for a range of family law concerns, including:

  • Divorce
  • High-asset divorce
  • Child custody and parenting plans
  • Establishing parentage
  • Alimony
  • Orders of Protection

While meeting in the middle can be challenging for most feuding families, I have nearly two decades of experience as a Kingsport family law attorney, and I am prepared to find solutions that are mutually beneficial for both parents and the children involved.

What Is A Parenting Plan?

A parenting plan, or custody schedule, is a legally binding document that outlines each parent’s visitation rights. Additionally, parenting plans specify the custody arrangement, whether it be sole or joint custody. A well-rounded custody schedule should also lay out the health care needs of the children and the child support payment schedule if applicable.

What Is Alimony And How Long Does It Last?

Alimony, often referred to as spousal support, is compensation that judges award to the spouse with a lower income following their divorce. Divorcing couples also have the option to negotiate the terms of their spousal support order if they wish. However, alimony is not awarded after every divorce.

There are multiple types of spousal support and various factors that can impact how long the order will last. Spouses could potentially receive alimony on a temporary, durational or permanent basis. Temporary alimony will likely only last throughout the divorce process, while durational alimony generally lasts for a period that allows the spouse to obtain a job or receive certain training to further their career. Finally, permanent spousal support lasts throughout the lifetime of the recipient.

How Is Property Divided In A Kingsport, Tennessee, Divorce?

Tennessee is an equitable distribution state, which means judges split marital property based on what they believe is fair and not equal. Therefore, spouses will not necessarily receive 50% of the marital assets. Oftentimes, the higher-income spouse will receive less than their ex-spouse due to their earning potential. This method of distribution is designed to help both spouses maintain a high quality of life after exiting their marriage.

How Can I Help Your Family?

All family law problems deserve to be taken seriously. I support spouses throughout the resolution of their legal dilemma. If you need caring family law support, contact my firm at 423-771-9750 or email me today.